Traveling Heritage Express

The adventures of "Heri Poh" - the teddy bear adopted by the members of the online community group known as "Preserving_Our_Heritage" (POH).

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Something New - Heri's Mailbag

Journal Entry for 1 April 2006
From: Heri
Location: FL

You know, something's been happening that I didn't expect. Some of my POH Hostesses have been sending me messages! In fact, I've now got (thanks to Mz BJ who printed them out for me) several e:mail messages that came in today, yesterday and the day before! They mean a lot to me, so I've stuffed them between my journal pages!

This being in the real world is so much different than sitting on a store shelf I'm not only traveling and meeting great people - but now - even when I move along to another place - I still have those new friends! Wow!

So, before sharing my next Florida adventure, I'm going to do something new. (Is this what humans call "getting creative"? LOL) Yes, I'm going to share some of these recent messages so you can see how rich life has become for this little bear of yours!

Ready? Here's a bit of Heri's Mailbag Like that name? LOL I won't share every bit of each letter. Think I'll just share a few bits of things. You know, it's fun to make friends then know we can keep in touch no matter where we are!

Heri's Mailbag: 28 Mar
From MizViki in Oregon
Heri - very cool that you are learning sign language, it just may come in handy some day. Sounds like you're getting quite a well rounded education on your trip, too. Keep up the good work.
Last weekend my 18 month old grandson was sitting on my lap, I was feeding him grapes by hand when he started 'doing something' with his fingers that I thought was interesting and asked his mom. Turns out he was signing 'more'! So, even grandma now knows how to say 'more' in sign language!
Actually all my daughters learned a little bit over the years and one of my granddaughters has taken a couple of years of it in high school She is really quite skilled which is neat to watch her communicate with one of the members of our church who is deaf.

Heri's Mailbag: 29 Mar
From Lynn in Florida
The English department here shares a planning area with the language department. I hear German, English, Italian and Spanish spoken all day long It gives me a chance to practice my Spanish. :) One of the teachers is a Sign Language teacher and she always signs when she speaks to us. I should start paying attention and learn something so when Heri gets here, we can communicate. :)

From me, Heri
I haven't even met Lynn yet. She's another POH Hostess. And another one who lives in Florida! I understand I'll be visiting her sometime in July or so? Can't believe she's already thinking about my coming there! :)

Heri's Mailbag: 1 Apr
From Diedra in Wisconsin
Heri, Be glad you are in Florida It's cold and damp here. The snow from the blizzard is ALMOST gone We still have some piles left in the back yard and where the deepest drifts were in front of the barns.
I have been scrapbooking of course. Everyone I see wants to know how you are doing and is so jealous when I tell them what you are doing in Florida. Soak up those sun rays.

Me again!
Pretty nice to know folks are thinking of you - when you aren't even there with them in person (or in bear? Oh dear, not at all sure how to say that!)

Bye for now from your smiling little bear Heri


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